Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused by compression of the median nerve where it passes through the bones in the wrist (the carpal tunnel). While repetitive motion is the most commonly considered cause of CTS there are other disorders and situations that can cause symptoms.
CTS is considered to be the most common peripheral nerve entrapment neuropathy (disorder of the nerve caused by constriction or mechanical distortion). It was initially described in 1880 and occurs in 99 out of 100,000 persons. Eighty-two percent of persons affected are over age 40, and 65-75% of cases is seen in women. However, there seems to be an increasing incidence among young workers of both sexes who experience symptoms during the course of repetitive manual labor.
CTS can cause a great deal of discomfort and disability if not treated early.
Treatment of CTS consists of medication, splinting, alterations in work habits, and often, surgery.
Get the Facts... With Your MediFocus Guide
This Medifocus Guide on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome provides answers to the following important questions and medical issues:
What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
What are the risk factors for developing the disorder?
What medical testing is used to establish the diagnosis?
What is the current standard of care for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome?
What treatment options are available for management of carpal tunnel syndrome?
Are there any promising new developments or potential breakthroughs in treatment?
Who are the most notable medical authorities who specialize in carpal tunnel syndrome?
Where are the leading hospitals and centers of research for carpal tunnel syndrome?
What are the most important questions to ask my doctor about carpal tunnel syndrome?
This MediFocus Guide contains an extensive listing of citations and abstracts of recent journal articles that have been published about this condition in trustworthy medical journals. This is the same type of information that is available to physicians and other health care professionals. A partial selection of journal articles that are abstracted in this MediFocus Guide includes:
Surgical treatment of common entrapment neuropathies in the upper limbs. Muscle & Nerve. 2000
Does this patient have carpal tunnel syndrome?. JAMA. 2000
Interventions for the primary prevention of work-related carpal tunnel syndrome. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2000
Neurologic disorders masquerading as carpal tunnel syndrome: 12 cases of failed carpal tunnel release. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2000
Upper extremity disorders in women. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research. 2000
MR nerve imaging of the wrist and hand. Hand Clinics. 2000
Clinical evaluation and management of work-related carpal tunnel syndrome. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2000
The carpal tunnel syndrome. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 1999
Carpal tunnel syndrome: is it work-related?. Hospital Practice (Office Edition). 1999
Clinical management of carpal tunnel syndrome: a 12-year review of outcomes. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1999 understands that consumers who are facing serious medical issues need access to credible, up-to-date medical information to help them make informed health-care decisions. That's why we've developed the MediFocus Guides...the most advanced and trustworthy patient research guides for over 200 chronic and life-threatening conditions. Each MediFocus Guide includes a detailed overview of the condition including information about diagnosis, treatment options, cutting-edge research, and new developments; excerpts of important journal articles from the current medical literature focusing on standard treatments and treatment options; a directory of leading authors and medical institutions who specialize in the treatment of the condition; and a listing of organizations and support groups where you can obtain additional information about the illness.
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